Digital Transformation showcased at key multiplier event with EU representatives

EuroHockey hosted the final multiplier event of the Digital Transformation in Brussels this week to showcase the implementation of the European Union Erasmus+ co-funded project.

The event featured presentations about the key elements of the project which has seen the look and feel of EuroHockey take on a new dimension.

This opened with a focus on the design approach to the new branding – launched last August – from CZYK’s Anna Wanczyk.

Skylark Digital are the creative technology agency involved. Their creative director Arthur Irving spoke about the lifecycle of creating the new website while his colleague Kayne Brennan’s focus was on the behind the scenes work going into the Digital Pathway.

This element involves building a new digital portal, platform and customer relationship management (CRM) system which aim to revolutionise the speed, efficiency and value in the way EuroHockey interacts with its stakeholders.

Irving said of Skylark’s involvement: “It has been enriching to see this project evolve since work began in 2023, linking all the different aspects of a modern sports organisation’s digital needs in an exciting and dynamic way.

“It has been a project full of mutual synergies and collegial understanding which I trust the hockey community will benefit greatly from.”

The process over the past 18 months has been reviewed with the academic backing of Copenhagen University with associate professor Adam Evans presenting on the DIGI Research side of the project.

The meeting was attended by Sophie Lemel and Sahra Sadati on behalf of the European Union.

Representatives from partner national federations from Czechia, France, Poland and Belgium were also in situ having acted as key players in testing the robustness of the new initiatives.

EuroHockey Director General Angus Kirkland said of the meeting: “This was a special meeting, tying all the elements of the past 18 months of this Digital Transformation project neatly together.

“The project has changed the face of EuroHockey already and its medium to longer-term impact will benefit all of our national federations.”

Find out more

More details on the Digital Transformation can be found here:

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