LGBTI+ project All In & Win reaches next phase of development

The three-year All In & Win project – supported by Erasmus+ with EuroHockey a central partner – continues apace with the pilot phase concluding this month.

Started in 2022, the project’s main objective of contributing to LGBTI+ acceptance and creating a positive, safe, and pedagogically sound climate in elite sports.

It has been organised in three phases, beginning with preparation and pilot design throughout 2022, followed by implementation of the pilot programme through 2023 and now the monitoring and evaluation phase in 2024.

Across these phases, the main outputs are; a research study on LGBTI+ inclusion in sports and on creating positive, safe and pedagogically sound structures; a guidebook of best practices in improving LGBTI+ inclusion and creating safe and pedagogically sound sports climate; and the All-IN&WIN Pilot Programme.

Pre-match speeches of LGBTI+ alliance prior to Honor Division matches. Pictures: Federació Catalana de Hockey

The programme has been organised by nine sports organisations from eight different European Nations with the Catalan and Czechia hockey federations among the partners.

Project leader Jamie Hooper – who is also part of EuroHockey’s new EDI panel – said of the current status: “Throughout June EuroHockey and the All In & Win partners will continue to work on the project, pushing ahead to complete the outputs.

“This month will see the third in a series of benchmarking webinars. These webinars, hosted by EuroHockey, are designed to encourage knowledge transfer amongst the partners, and feature each of the four pilot federations sharing progress on behalf of their members.

“We’re still collecting data for the research element of this programme so this webinar is not open to the public. Later in the process, the information will be disseminated publicly so please keep an eye out for this.”

On the ground, the project has been visible in Catalunya where Club Junior 1917, Club Egara and Sitges Hockey club have been showcasing the innovative project.

Declarations about the project were made to the crowds at games between Egara and Junior during their Honor Division fixtures, with speeches from players bringing extra visibility to the work being done.

“There’s still a lot more like monitoring and evaluation to do,” Hooper added about the next steps.

“The fact that we’re regularly kind of getting around the table discussing this, sharing knowledge across Europe, across football and hockey is really good.

“Everything we learn from the pilot project and their evaluation will all subsequently go onto a website to showcase the work.”

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Read more about the project here:

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