EuroHockey Institute is launched

The EuroHockey Institute was presented to the hockey public for the first time today with a clear mission to deliver world class education to support national growth for our stakeholders.

The Institute was formally launched in Monchengladbach to delegates of the 35th EuroHockey General Assembly.

It is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and is the culmination of 30 months’ work from initial set-up to this date. EuroHockey will now sustain the institute and the programmes as the co-funded element comes to an end at the close of 2023.

The EuroHockey Institute is formed across seven strategic pillars with over 40 programmes able to be accessed by national associations and their members, ultimately working towards the global impact in tandem with the FIH Academy.

The seven strategic pillars are:

  • Athletes
  • Coaching
  • Governance
  • Innovation
  • Officiating
  • Sustainability
  • Workforce

The EuroHockey Institute will enable the societal role of sport to be presented by encouraging, promoting, developing and supporting growth of hockey through education in Europe at all levels.

This will be done by sharing knowledge through teaching, mentoring and facilitating the correct programmes and environments tomaximise understanding, implementation and application.

Marijke Fleuren, President of EuroHockey stated: “The institute will enhance governance standards through leadership and management. It will enable an athlete centred approach to dual careers and academic support. The provision of career guidance and support via academic and business opportunities for athletes’ dual careers.”

Angus Kirkland, Director General of EuroHockey added: “Creating this framework addresses support on a national, regional and continental level. The strategic intent is to create tools and resources that provide transparent and accessible learning for people at all levels of the sport.”

Tom Pedersen-Smith, Head of National Associations who has managed the project since inception, is delighted to see the Institute come to fruition: “The project has built on and enhances good practice structures by developing the EuroHockey Institute strategic pillars to facilitate sustainable, high quality national growth across member national associations in Europe.”

Nathan Kipp, Expertise Manager of the KNHB, is a key element in the Institute’s development; he added: “The project has established the EuroHockey Institute with an educational structure that will now form a bridge between national qualifications and the European Qualifications Framework.

“It will, therefore, allow easy freedom of movement for coaches across nations. The development of this pathway for member national associations develops coaching and ensures the correct structured, qualified workforce to deliver against training needs.”

Strategic support

The EuroHockey Institute project partners have strategically supported the formation of these pillars and programmes over the three-year term of the co-funded partnership by the European Union.

This was done in conjunction with Association Royale Belge De Hockey, Fédération Française De Hockey, Copenhagen University, Stichting Orange Sports Forum, Royal Dutch Hockey Federation, Deutsche Hockey Bund, Hockey Magic, Slovenian Hockey Federation, Swiss Hockey Federation.

During this time, the partnership has also delivered nine intellectual outcomes that have allowed the institute to be formed via strategic and academic reviews.

Highlighting the importance of education, learning and skills transference in sport has been an integral focus in the project alongside the analysis of key findings to enable a sustainable business model. All the findings will be published towards the end of 2023 on the new EuroHockey website.

Intellectual Outcome 1: Led by Copenhagen University

TITLE: International Sports Federation Frameworks for Education

DESCRIPTION: An insight report on the education programmes and processes used in international sports federations

Intellectual Outcome 2: Led by Copenhagen University

TITLE: Educational Framework for the Teaching and Learning of Good Governance

DESCRIPTION: A resource and training information pack for national associations to adopt and implement good governance policy.

Intellectual Outcome 3: Led by EuroHockey

TITLE: European Hockey Leadership and Management

DESCRIPTION:  A platform for the development of skillsets to create purposeful learning for those in decision making roles within hockey.

Intellectual Outcome 4: Led by Belgium Hockey and the Orange Sport Forum

TITLE:  Athlete Dual Career Development

DESCRIPTION: Implementation of a duty of care pillar for athletes, in sports or business across administration, marketing and communications

Intellectual Outcome 5: Led by KNHB

TITLE: Coach Development Pillar for Europe

DESCRIPTION:  Developing a fit for purpose coaching framework that supports national growth (and new) access to coach education across national hockey associations.

Intellectual Outcome 6: Led by DHB

TITLE: Creating the Future Fit for Purpose Workforce

DESCRIPTION: Development of standardisations across workforce needs for educational pillars of the European Institute for Hockey

Intellectual Outcome 7: Led by EuroHockey

TITLE: Global and Public Launch of the European Institute for Hockey (EIH)

DESCRIPTION: The formal launch campaign for the opening of the European Institute for Hockey

Intellectual Outcome 8: Led by Copenhagen University

TITLE: Findings of the European Hockey Frameworks for Educational Output

DESCRIPTION: An insight report on the education pillars created for the EIH; which processes should and can be used in international sports federation educational development

Intellectual Outcome 9: Led by EuroHockey

TITLE:  Legacy and Future Impact

DESCRIPTION:  A deep dive review on the sustainability and transferability of the intellectual outputs of the EIH

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